Work setup
General work environment
As a start, all my computers (where possible), run Debian GNU/Linux, generally stable plus certain packages updated to testing, sid, or (if necessary) experimental.
For my desktop, I'm running xmonad as my window
manager, with the XFCE panel. With xmonad, I have
four workspaces for specific types of applications (emacs, terminals,
web, and email), and eight more workspaces for general tasks. Most of
the workspaces are using the
layout by default, with some alternative layouts available, such as
float and compare2 = (magnifiercz' 2 $ TwoPane delta (2/3))
. The one
notable exception is the emacs workspace, which uses
(speedbar ((named "Devel" $ limitWindows 3 $ magnifiercz' 1.4 $ devel) ||| myTabbed)
where speedbar
is an
layout to display the speedbar (when I use it) on the side. That is, it
displays the master window on the top, and up to two other windows
underneath, with the two other windows
expanding when they are focused.
I am using the Dvorak keyboard layout, with CapsLock remapped to Ctrl
(setxkbmap -option "ctrl:nocaps"
). Simultaneously pushing both Shift
keys toggles Caps Lock (setxkbmap -option "shift:both_capslock"
At my desk, I use a Kinesis Essential keyboard and a Logitech TrackMan Wheel.
Most of my work is done in emacs, so I have a whole section dedicated to it. In fact, I run two separate instances of emacs: one for general work, and the other dedicated to Gnus for reading mail.
The main emacs packages and modes that I use regularly are (FIXME: add links):
- nlinum-mode (shows line numbers in the fringe)
- hl-line-mode (highlights the current line)
- magit (git integration)
- ido (filename completion)
- flycheck (style and syntax checking in programming languages)
- eslint for JavaScript
- tramp, for editing remote files over
- org-mode, for my documentation and my to-do lists
- ag (file searching similar to grep)
- rainbow-mode (colorize strings that represent colors)
- rainbow-delimeters-mode (colorize matching brackets)
- smartparens-mode (visually match brackets and bracket-like things)
- projectile (project interaction library)
- gnus (email and news), in a separate emacs process
I typically have at least four terminal windows open. Sometimes more, but I generally start with four. None of the terminals has a dedicated purpose
I use urxvt as my terminal emulator.
Web browsing
I use Firefox for most of my web browsing.
to be continued...